Personal Info
- William Sowers, Painesville, Ohio, My primary email is
- Bill, Billy, Will, or william any of those are good
- My personal interests include reading, watching movies, fishing, and golfing.
Learning style:
- Usually I would be willing to take many risks in a class. I will most likely try to overcome any challenges in a course.
- To me,the most important technological invention has to be the automobile. Cars are an essential part of our lives today. without them our lives would be very different.
- Technologies that are essential to my life include my e-mail, computer, cell phone, car, and television.
- I have worked with all three of these different technologies. I would say that I am pretty proficient in these three categories. If i had to rate my technical proficiency I would give myself a 7.
- What goals do you have set forth for this class?
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